Best Home Gym Workout Equipment Setup on a Budget (January 2021)

Home Gym Workout Equipment Training

Looking to build a home gym on a budget? In this article, I will show you the best home gym setup with affordable home workout equipment that you can buy right now.

With many gyms closed due to the pandemic and most people choosing to work out at home instead of taking the risk of going to the gym, home fitness equipment sales have gone through the roof. 

Go to any sporting goods store, Target, or Walmart, and you’d be lucky to even find a one pound dumbbell. Search Amazon or any other online store and you’ll see that almost all of the exercise equipment is out of stock. 

What’s even worse is that when you do find home fitness equipment in stock, you might be in for some sticker shock. Many third-party sellers on Amazon have been price gouging home workout equipment due to the extremely high demand and limited availability.

When one of my clients recently asked me to help him build a home gym, I was shocked at the prices I found for basic workout equipment. $5 a pound for plate weights? Bowflex SelectTech Adjustable Dumbbells for $746? Seriously?? To build a decent quality home gym with these prices would cost thousands of dollars.

Since my client was on a fairly tight budget (who isn’t these days?), I had to eliminate a lot of the equipment I would normally recommend, including a squat rack, olympic bar, plate weights, adjustable dumbbells, and bench (if you are interested in a full home gym set-up, I’ve included one as well). I also had to be very selective with the quality of the workout equipment I recommended.

The old saying “You get what you pay for” is especially true with fitness equipment. Even if you can find something in stock, most of the cheap exercise equipment found at Target, Walmart, or your local sporting goods stores just won’t cut it. Inferior quality fitness equipment will prevent you from getting the most out of each workout or will eventually break, causing you frustration and costing you more money in the long run.

This is why I only recommend professional-grade fitness equipment from suppliers I trust. This is the same equipment that I and countless other fitness professionals use to get the best results for our clients. Unfortunately, many of the items I would normally recommend are out of stock from my favorite suppliers.

Due to the high number of counterfeits and quality control issues, I only recommend a few “can’t go wrong” products available on Amazon. Amazon recently established a counterfeit crime unit to try and reduce the high number of counterfeits that have been showing up on their site but a lot of the equipment I see listed is questionable. This is why I recommend buying directly from the product manufacturer or an authorized retailer just to be safe.

The following list is a “bare-bones” home workout setup that will get the job done whether your goal is to burn fat, build muscle, or just stay in shape until it’s safe to get back in the gym. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on this site, I may earn an affiliate commission. You pay nothing extra but it helps keeps the content on this website FREE! Learn more.


Power Systems Covered Tube Resistance Bands

If you are on a tight budget, these covered tube resistance bands are the way to go. They are super easy to use and allow you to work out all of the same muscle groups you would be able to exercise using free weights or specialized machines at the gym. They are light and portable so they are great for outdoor workouts or to bring with you when traveling.

I recommend these resistance bands from Power Systems because they have a protected cover so they won’t tear or rip like most bands do. This is especially important if you are working out outside at the park or beach where you might have to wrap the band around a tree or other object that could damage an unprotected band.

Most bands will break or won’t be able to hold through the amount of tension required during a tough workout. Don’t skimp on quality here or your workouts will pay for it.

For most guys, a 3 band set up should work well for you. I recommend the following:

Medium (9-34 lbs): This is great for your smaller exercises like biceps curls, triceps kickbacks, lateral raises, etc.

Heavy (12-45 lbs): This next level up band works well for bigger movements like resisted push-ups, shoulder presses, pushdowns, etc.

Ultra Heavy (22-85 lbs): This is for your big, most bang-for-buck exercises like chest presses, lat pulldowns, rows, squats, deadlifts, etc.

Note: If you are new to lifting you may want to purchase a Light (7-27 lbs). band and wait to purchase the Ultra Heavy until you get a little stronger.

A Door Anchor is a must when working out with resistance bands. It allows you to anchor your bands behind a door (without damaging the door) for exercises like chest presses, lat pulldowns, rows, and more. Only one anchor is needed although having 2 can give you more options for certain exercises. You can get an inexpensive one like this on Amazon and it will do the job.

Power Systems Stability Ball

Stability balls are great for core workouts, push-up progressions, hamstring curls, leg extensions, etc. I recommend this Stability Ball from Power Systems because it is extremely durable and can stand up to the most demanding workouts. Don’t skimp on quality here. There’s a big difference between a cheap stability ball and a quality one. Note: Make sure to check the size chart to get the correct size for your height.

Power Systems All-Purpose Exercise Mat

This All-Purpose Exercise Mat from Power Systems works great for workouts at home, in the garage, or even outdoors at the park or beach. It’s perfect for core work and stretching. I like it because it has a little grip to it and isn’t too thick where it won’t stay in place with more dynamic type exercises.

Power Systems Pro-Vinyl Jump Rope

This Pro-Vinyl Jump Rope from Power Systems is an affordable alternative to an expensive cardio machine. It can be used for warm-ups, active rest, and fat burning HIIT cardio sessions, all at a fraction of the cost of a treadmill or stationary bike. Make sure to check the size chart to order the right length for your height.


If you have a little money to spend, this setup adds some serious muscle building equipment to your home gym. Although you will have to dig pretty deep into your pocket, this home gym setup will give you everything you need so you can cancel your gym membership permanently.

Rogue SML-2 90″ Monster Lite Squat Stand

Rogue is considered one of the elite brands in the fitness industry. They supply most of the equipment you see in professional training centers. Although definitely not cheap, this squat stand is an incredible value for the price – it even comes with a pullup bar. Consider it the foundation piece for your very own Iron Paradise. Its small footprint makes it the perfect fit for a garage gym. What really makes it stand out though, is all the accessory equipment you can add on. With this set-up, you can do every single major exercise you can do in the gym, all in the privacy of your own home.

Rogue The Ohio Bar – Black Zinc

A quality barbell is probably the most important piece of equipment for a serious home gym set-up. Even if you can’t afford to buy a squat stand now, a quality barbell and some plate weights are still enough to get some solid full-body workouts in. The Rogue Ohio Bar is a top-quality bar at an incredibly reasonable price. If you order the bar along with the SML-2 Squat Stand, it comes with a set of FREE Rogue HC Barbell Collars. Don’t forget to add a Lifting Belt to protect your back.

Rogue Flat Utility Bench 2.0

A quality bench is another must for a serious home garage gym set-up. Definitely don’t skimp here! There’s nothing worse than feeling like the cheap bench you bought on Amazon isn’t gonna support you when you have a barbell with a couple of hundred pounds above your neck. This is a high-quality durable bench that is built to last. If you have the extra cash, spring for the adjustable version of this bench.

Rogue SAML-24 Monster Lite Safety Spotter Arms 

Safety spotter arms are a must, especially if you are working out alone or with heavy weights.

Rogue Monster Lite Matador Dip Bars

Dips are one of the best bang-for-your buck exercises you can do to gain size and strength. Add a dip belt (that can also be used for pullups) to help increase gains.

Rogue Monster Landmine 2.0

A Landmine is the perfect accessory to complete your set-up. Use it for a variety of rows to help develop a thick powerful back as well as a number of core and leg exercises. Add a Landmine Handle to give you more options.

Weight Training Plates

Power Systems just came out with these weight plates and they will probably sell out very fast since nobody else seems to have any in stock. Order them fast!!! I recommend buying as much as you can afford before they are out of stock.

Rep Fitness Sleeved Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are awesome for doing HIIT cardio sessions if you have the space for them. I like these ones because they have a nylon sleeve cover and won’t fray like most do. Order the length that works for the space you have (the space size needed is half the rope size). Keep in mind, the longer the rope, the harder the workout. Add a Rogue Attachment Anchor if you plan on attaching the ropes to your squat rack.